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enum DecFRounding
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DECF_RETURN BCDToDecFloat16(DecFloat16* , SAP_RAW* , intR , intR )
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DECF_RETURN BCDToDecFloat34(DecFloat34* , SAP_RAW* , intR , intR )
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DecFloat16 DecFloat16Ceil(DecFloat16 , DECF_RETURN* )
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SAP_INT DecFloat16Compare(DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 , DECF_RETURN* )
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SAP_INT DecFloat16CompareForDEC(DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 , intR , DECF_RETURN* )
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DecFloat16 DecFloat16Floor(DecFloat16 , DECF_RETURN* )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16GetExponent(SAP_INT* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16GetNumOfDigits(SAP_INT* , DecFloat16 )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat16IsFinite(DecFloat16 )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat16IsInfinite(DecFloat16 )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat16IsNaN(DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16NeutralToDecFloat16(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16NextMinus(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16NextPlus(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16Normalize(DecFloat16* )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16RawToDecFloat16(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16Raw , SAP_SHORT )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16RawToDecFloat16DB(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16Raw , SAP_SHORT )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16RawToNormDecFloat16(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16Raw )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16RescaleDec(DecFloat16* , SAP_INT , DecFRounding )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16RescalePrec(DecFloat16* , SAP_INT , DecFRounding )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16RoundDec(DecFloat16* , SAP_INT , DecFRounding )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16RoundForDEC(DecFloat16* , intR , intR )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16RoundPrec(DecFloat16* , SAP_INT , DecFRounding )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16ToBCD(SAP_RAW* , DecFloat16 , intR , intR )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16ToDecFloat16Neutral(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16ToDecFloat16Raw(DecFloat16Raw* , SAP_SHORT* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16ToDecFloat16RawDB(DecFloat16Raw* , SAP_SHORT* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16ToDecFloat34(DecFloat34* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16ToNormDecFloat16(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16ToSAP_INT(SAP_INT* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16ToString(DecFloat16 , DecFloat16Buff* )
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DecFloat16* DecFloat16Zero(DecFloat16* )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_Add(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_DIV(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_Div(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat16_EQ(DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 , DECF_RETURN* )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_Exp(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat16_GT(DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 , DECF_RETURN* )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat16_LT(DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 , DECF_RETURN* )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_Ln(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_Log10(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_MOD(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_Mult(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_Pow(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 , SAP_INT )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_Sqrt(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_Sub(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat16_fPow(DecFloat16* , DecFloat16 , DecFloat16 )
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DecFloat34 DecFloat34Ceil(DecFloat34 , DECF_RETURN* )
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SAP_INT DecFloat34Compare(DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 , DECF_RETURN* )
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SAP_INT DecFloat34CompareForDEC(DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 , intR , DECF_RETURN* )
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DecFloat34 DecFloat34Floor(DecFloat34 , DECF_RETURN* )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34GetExponent(SAP_INT* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34GetNumOfDigits(SAP_INT* , DecFloat34 )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat34IsFinite(DecFloat34 )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat34IsInfinite(DecFloat34 )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat34IsNaN(DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34NeutralToDecFloat34(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34NextMinus(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34NextPlus(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34Normalize(DecFloat34* )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34RawToDecFloat34(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34Raw , SAP_SHORT )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34RawToDecFloat34DB(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34Raw dfp34raw, SAP_SHORT )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34RawToNormDecFloat34(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34Raw dfp34raw)
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34RescaleDec(DecFloat34* , SAP_INT , DecFRounding )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34RescalePrec(DecFloat34* , SAP_INT , DecFRounding )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34RoundDec(DecFloat34* , SAP_INT , DecFRounding )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34RoundForDEC(DecFloat34* , intR , intR )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34RoundPrec(DecFloat34* , SAP_INT , DecFRounding )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34ToBCD(SAP_RAW* , DecFloat34 , intR , intR )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34ToDecFloat16(DecFloat16* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34ToDecFloat34Neutral(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34ToDecFloat34Raw(DecFloat34Raw* , SAP_SHORT* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34ToDecFloat34RawDB(DecFloat34Raw* , SAP_SHORT* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34ToNormDecFloat34(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34ToSAP_INT(SAP_INT* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34ToString(DecFloat34 , DecFloat34Buff* )
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DecFloat34* DecFloat34Zero(DecFloat34* )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_Add(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_DIV(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_Div(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat34_EQ(DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 , DECF_RETURN* )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_Exp(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat34_GT(DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 , DECF_RETURN* )
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SAP_BOOL DecFloat34_LT(DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 , DECF_RETURN* )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_Ln(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_Log10(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_MOD(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_Mult(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_Pow(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 , SAP_INT )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_Sqrt(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_Sub(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN DecFloat34_fPow(DecFloat34* , DecFloat34 , DecFloat34 )
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DecFloat16 GetMinDecFloat16()
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DecFloat34 GetMinDecFloat34()
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DECF_RETURN InitDecFloatLib()
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DECF_RETURN NormDecFloat16ToDecFloat16Raw(DecFloat16Raw* dfp16raw_res, DecFloat16 )
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DECF_RETURN NormDecFloat34ToDecFloat34Raw(DecFloat34Raw* dfp34raw_res, DecFloat34 )
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DECF_RETURN SAP_INTToDecFloat16(DecFloat16* , SAP_INT )
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DECF_RETURN SAP_INTToDecFloat34(DecFloat34* , SAP_INT )
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DECF_RETURN StringToDecFloat16(const(SAP_UC)* , DecFloat16* )
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DECF_RETURN StringToDecFloat34(const(SAP_UC)* , DecFloat34* )
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void decf_mutex_lock()
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void decf_mutex_unlock()
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